quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2014

Thursday - Final Presentation to the client. Couldn't be better.

Mission Accomplished! Final presentation to the client with a bunch of good feedback.. Well, I can say that it was almost 30 days of hard work,  sometimes in a "burning midnight oil" mood, but with a lot of passion (as Muriuki said) :-) to delivery a result that can make the difference for the whole country (namely, AMAZING KENYA)
Well, changing a little bit to portuguese, my friends from Brazil deserve it...
Missão cumprida!!! Projeto entregue ao cliente depois de 30 dias de muito trabalho, algumas noites sem dormir, mas com muita paixão e vontade de entregar um resultado que pode fazer a diferença para um país inteiro. 
Foram quase 20 entrevistas com stakeholders, mais de 200 páginas escritas de documentação do projeto, diversas reuniões com o cliente, horas  e horas provendo consultoria e fazendo pesquisa em diversos setores públicos e privados.
Trabalhamos junto a Universidades, Estudantes, Associações que representam as maiores empresas e empregadores no Kenya, ONG's, Agências do Governo, Institutos Internacionais como o IEEE e muitos outros para chegarmos prontos e confiantes para essas 2 horas de apresentação final com a sala lotada de IBMistas, clientes e representantes de ONG's.
Tivemos que conciliar tudo isso, a agenda cultural do programa, jantares, almoços com clientes, dezenas de reuniões e calls...trabalhamos também em finais de semana... realmente a experiência mais INTENSA que eu já tive na vida... correria, foco, multi-tasking e um ingrediente  que muitas vezes nos forçou a exercitar a nossa paciência diária: o tráfego de Nairobi. :-).. horas e horas dentro de taxis, presos nos congestionamentos e ainda sim com energia para chegar no hotel e continuar trabalhando.
Sensação de dever cumprido e certeza de que qualquer coisa pode ser alcançada com foco, determinação, força de vontade e adaptabilidade. Mesmo em um projeto totalmente fora da nossa área de conhecimento e fora da nossa zona de conforto...
Obrigado Deus, obrigado IBM, obrigado Kenya, obrigado minha família, meu time CSC Kenya 8 e todos que compartilharam comigo (de alguma forma) esta experiência. 
Posso afimar que este programa é uma das melhores oportunidades de crescimento profissional e pessoal que a IBM pode oferecer e eu sou grato por ter sido um dos escolhidos dentre 430.000 funcionários no mundo inteiro para participar disso tudo.

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

Monday and Last Week or CSC Kenya 8 Team

On Monday, we got back to Strathmore University to attend Career's Day which IBMers  presented several topics such as Business Analytics, Strategic Outsourcing, Social Business, Software Development and others and with a speech and participation of Rachel Reinitz - IBM Distinguish Engineer.
In the afternoon, back to the apartment and a LOT of work on the final templates and documentations to be send to our client for the final presentation on Thursday. 29th.
What I can say is that I stayed working until the last minute... 
In the evening, we had our "Second International Cultural Exchange" with a lot of good foods (I prepared Pizza) from 11 countries, people enjoying, laughing  and making this CSC Kenya 8 UNFORGETTABLE.


CSC Kenya 8 (with giraffe head)
Kenyan Marguerita
Veggie boy slim :-)
Cheese addicted

All you can eat :-)

Animals in Paradise


Super Jackie and her super food


I was teaching Dominic how to baker a traditional Irish bread ahahah
Walk on home boy, this is all mine!


Flying HS, our Superhero from Singapore

domingo, 25 de maio de 2014

Sunday - Cooking, Posting, Organizing ...

Sunday... almost on 4th week! Gosh, time flies!.... stayed at my apartment cooking for tomorrow as we are going to have a new International Cultural Exchange :-) and what I can say is that I prepared some pizzas (but I will not post the pictures here... should be a surprise.. hope a good surprise). Also, I was organizing the stuffs for the coming week as it will the last one with a lot of work and the final presentation for the client on Thursday.
Tomorrow we will be back to Strathmore University for a several events organized by Bluemix Team with IBMers, students and other people. 

Saturday - Giraffe Centre, Tamambo Restaurant, Karen Blixen Museum,Local Fair.. enough for 1 day

In summary: lots of things in one day.. 
- Giraffe Centre
- Fantastic lunch at Tamambo Restaurant (in an idyllic place)
- Karen Blixen Museum 
- Local Fair in Karen
- Mall & Groceries 
- Back to home tired but satisfied with our day.

Most of the people went to Gatanga organized by Luke...
... at night I stayed at my apartment, some people went to an Indian Restaurant and after that to a Dance Club, but I was so tired that I preferred to stay at home as I was pretty, pretty tired.
It was also my sister's birthday, happy birthday Mônica!


Feeding my little pet ;-)

Karen Blixen's Museum and House

Took this picture to record the name of the herbs :-)