segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

Monday and Last Week or CSC Kenya 8 Team

On Monday, we got back to Strathmore University to attend Career's Day which IBMers  presented several topics such as Business Analytics, Strategic Outsourcing, Social Business, Software Development and others and with a speech and participation of Rachel Reinitz - IBM Distinguish Engineer.
In the afternoon, back to the apartment and a LOT of work on the final templates and documentations to be send to our client for the final presentation on Thursday. 29th.
What I can say is that I stayed working until the last minute... 
In the evening, we had our "Second International Cultural Exchange" with a lot of good foods (I prepared Pizza) from 11 countries, people enjoying, laughing  and making this CSC Kenya 8 UNFORGETTABLE.


CSC Kenya 8 (with giraffe head)
Kenyan Marguerita
Veggie boy slim :-)
Cheese addicted

All you can eat :-)

Animals in Paradise


Super Jackie and her super food


I was teaching Dominic how to baker a traditional Irish bread ahahah
Walk on home boy, this is all mine!


Flying HS, our Superhero from Singapore

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